Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I can imitate the snore of my Daddy

See my Dad here. I can imitate the sound of his snore. It sounds like this. ZZZZZZZZSnoreZZZZZZZSnoreZZZZZZZZsnore.

My two front teeth

Please see my two front teeth. Can I be a model for a toothpaste? Close up or Colgate? But I guess GAP will get me because I got a gap on my two big front teeth.

Countdown to my First Birthday

I just turned 11 months old a few days ago. 26 days more to go to my birthday party. Can you guys see Jolibee on the background? That's where I'm gonna celebrate it. It's a zoo team because I like animals. Also I like jolibee, Lolo Boy treat us jobee food delivered during his birthday last Jun 30. I ate 5 sticks of french fries.