Sunday, December 30, 2007


Finally got a new tv. Got rid of the bulky old fashioned small tv that was given to me.

It's nice to play wii on this.

Friday, December 7, 2007

No fever

No fever after the injections, the 1,000 peso top up was not wasted.

I was fine after the injections.

Lola Levy is consoling me after my injections. And my milk is ready.

See what happned to my legs

Got some band-aid on my legs.

Vacuna Numero Dos

Aw. It hurts on my right leg.

Vacuna Numero Uno

Aw. It hurts on my left leg.

Say aahh.

Now for my routine check-up.

This is my pretty doctor

She's not only pretty but tall too.

Did I put on some weight?

I'm very consciuos about my weight, I don't wanna be fat.

Tito said put on some tabachingching.

Lola most of the time will ask me to dede even though I don't like it.

Mommy ask me to finish the can of milk. She said they have enough money to buy some more.

Daddy is worried, he said maybe I don't like the taste of the milk.

I did put on some weight but still slim.

I remember this place

Oh. This is the place where I was born.

Clei went to see the doctor

Clei is happy waiting for her turn.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Clei sleeps in her nurse's arms

I remember this picture, she's supposed to have her bath taken but she fell asleep. No choice but we have to wake her up.

Clei Sleeps in Koji's Arms

Clei can now change directions after turning over. Turning over was very easy for her. Next time she's gonna crawl.

Last time if you carry her she's very still now it's a different game. She will make "liyad", I don't have the word for it in English. I guess I just don't know.

Clei sleeps in Lola's arms

Clei went to Luneta last Saturday. Normally she will wake up around 5 to 6 am, but during that day Ten told me she woke up @ 4 am. Guess she's excited to go but then guess she woke up early because they might leave her @ home.