Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Alchemist

Started reading the book "The Alchemist" on my train ride going to Michelle's birthday party yesterday night. Continued on the way back home. At home still continued reading till I finished it. It is a good book. I borrowed it from Edison.

Just playing tennis on Wii because Alfredo is on business trip that means no tennis on Sunday nights. Sometimes I will play with Graha my Indonesian housemate. Surely I will beat him all the time in tennis, bowling, boxing, golf and baseball. That's why I like to play with him. When I play with Edison it's so difficult to beat him on Wii.

After finishing the book, I called Edison before going to sleep. But no answer from cellphone. Still bored, I made a frank call to Graha. He doesn't know my house number. With my japanese accent saying "Moshi moshi Graha san", he sounded so confuse replying he does not know any Japanese. Now it's nice to sleep after making fun of Graha.

@ 00:30 my phone rings, did not recognize the voice maybe because I just started sleeping and was interrupted suddenly. But when the party started to talk like a Korean saying how are you, I knew it's Edison. He saw his missed call and decided to call back before he sleeps.

Clei's #1 Fan

Today Clei will go to SM mall. I guess she's excited, it's baby's day out. She will go with Ten and Jay. Tita Lesty could not come because she's a having a make-up class.

Nanay(my mother) told me when Ten is @ work, when she calls she will put the phone near Clei and she will talk to her Mom over the phone. When she poos there's gonna be a lot.

She did have a fever for a short time last week because of the vaccine. Ten was upset because she bought the vaccine that will not after effect of fever. She said she will scold her pediatrician.

She's ok now and ready to go to the mall.

Taekwondo / Clei

It was my forth session on taekwondo, blood on my foot. One of the blackbelter noticed the blood on my left foot during our water break. I saw it, no big deal for me cause I really did not feel anything. If he did not point it, I will not knew about it. My Korean teacher Hyun, saw it when we resume. He touched my feet and said "Oh blood, I like it."

My partner this time is Joe from Indonesia, he's a red belt. There was one lady in the group her name is Audrey, black belter. Hyun reminded Joe that I'm white belter.

The picture showed the wounded finger with the band aid. And my nice uniform. Cool.

I called home today. My mother was very excited telling stories about Clei. On how she laughs and talks. She said she's getting difficult to take care. But I can feel the way she spoke to me, she's enjoying every minute of it.

Ten told me when it's Lolo Boy(my father) holding her. She will be just steady. Lolo Boy will just hold her no movement, no singing, she will just sleep.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Clei's 3rd day with Lola and Lolo's care

Ten said today Clei was difficult. She wants to be carried even she's sleeping. Lolo Boy is holding her even she's sleeping. If you put her down, she will be awake. Lola Levy said she's growing that's why her mood changes. Sometimes she's very easy, just sleeping all day. Sometimes difficult, awake most of the time. Take it from the mother who raised 6 kids.

Lola and Lolo took her to the doctor but no stock for her 3rd vaccine.

I used to take Anne for her routine vaccination when she was a baby with Mat (my grandmother).

Here's their picture Mat and Clei.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Baby Tip # 1 - Sing and Talk to your Baby often

Sing and talk to Clei often.

All of us knows about it. It just comes naturally for our family. Honey Grace composed a song called "I love you Cassey Lei R. Quiazon". Lyrics and title is the same, but I guess the melody is nice and the meaning very direct. Ten used to sing her "Bebekong", guess that's her original song for Clei. The title suggest like baby of King Kong, but I guess it means "My baby". The lyrics is also all bebekong. Repeat it again and again.

I did composed a song before for Anne called "Aribajuji". Sounds silly and don't know what it means but as far as I know when we sing it to her, she will go to sleep, laugh and smile. Again the title and lyrics is the same. It just repeats and repeats. ?Puedes repetir por favor?

No hope for this family to have a brilliant composer, I think. But who cares as long as the baby likes our song.

Bebekongs second day with Mom @ work.

She did not cry that much today when Ten is at work. Maybe she got used to it very fast. Muy rapido. Or she understand that Mommy has to earn a living. Kurt was her playmate yesterday and today it was Jade. When Ten left for work this morning, she told Clei not to give headache to Grandparents, maybe that's another reason she behaved.
I bought a magazine called "New Mom" it came with a free little clothes for baby. Of course it's for Clei and the Magazine is meant for Ten. Since she's my number one fan when it comes on reading this blog. I guess Lesty will read sometimes. Not sure if Oying reads it or just see pictures of Clei. Ten said she will let Tatay and Nanay reads it since they are the one's taking care of Clei when she's at work. Told her I'm gonna post baby tips on my blog. I guess I can post baby tips since I took care of Anne when she's a baby. Ah, Kurt have read my blog before. Or maybe look at his picture.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Clei's first day when Ten is back to work.

Clei was crying and crying when Ten went back to work after her maternity leave. Guess she's not used yet when her mother is away. But Ten will call home to check on her. Around nearly lunch time, she said she's sleeping now.

Hope she gets used to it sooner. There's a number of peolple that will look after her when Ten is working. Lola Levy and Lolo Boy is there plus Tita Lesty (when she's not in school).

She's turning 2 months old in 4 days.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Clei's hair is curly

I was happy to see Clei's picture today. Ten sent me two pictures and they are very cute. Her hair is longer and curly. Ten said we got the same hair. There are a few people in the family who got curly hair, myself, Honey Grace, Nanay(mother) and Clei.

She attended her first birthday but Ten said she just slept. Maybe she got dizzy, all the party people wanted to carry her. She was passed from one person to another. She got her picture taken with Jollibee.

Ten said nowadays, she does not sleep that long. She wants someone to talk to her. Sometimes they ran out of stories to tell her. She takes a bath regularly except Tue and Friday. Really don't know the reason but the elders said so. When she was still inside Ten's tummy, they won't let her eat eggplant.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Underwater digicam

My body still aching from taekwando. All my sparing partner are black belt and one red. My instructor is black belt form Korea.

I was able to talk to Clei over the phone. Ten is talking to her then she will respond. She's a Christian now. Baptized last Sept 16. She responds now and smile often. They are moving back to Sauyo because Ten is going back to work next week. I'm one of her Ninong. Lesty, Yen and Ken are the other Ninong and Ninang.
I got a new underwater digital camera.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuesties, fueron

It's getting difficult. This morning I attended my spanish class, we studied "preterito perfecto and indefinido". As usual Aida, mi simpatica maestra es siempre pacienciosa pero divertida. In english my pretty teacher is always patient and entertaining. She made us memorize the tenses for verb "ir". At first it was our homework for next week, but she never stopped till we memorize it during the 2 hour class. Now it's on my mind. Fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuesteis, fueron. It was fun but difficult. I really find the verbs in Spanish difficult. Mi vocabulario en Espanol es bueno porque algunos palabaras es lo mismo/igual en Filipino y siempre escuchando musica latina. Pero en verbo, muy mal. My vocabulary in Spanish is good because some of the words is the same/equal in Filipino and I always listening to Spanish music. But when it comes to verbs, very bad.
When Tita lesty takes photo of Clei, for sure there will be one that I will like a lot. And this is one of them. Clei is smiling when Ten is talking to her.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Clei pot

Clei is about 5 kilos and started to use the pacifier I bought when she was still in Ten's tummy. Ten knows now how to give her a bath. She said she can manage. She's very still when in the water. She now makes a little sound when laughing/smiling. Ten has a video, maybe next time I can post it here.

For the past few days I keep myself busy or shall I say for being bored by playing wii. Nearing professional level in tennis, about 700+ points. 1000 point is all you need to be a pro. I'm quite good in playing tennis for real. In bowling I'm a pro easily, which in real I never played. Nunca. Got a silver in billiards which in real, i guess I suck. I'm playing tennis and watching the US open thru the internet while playing Enrique's' "ping pong song" in English and Spanish.

Also printed Ten's weeding pictures from my camera as requested by Tatay. He likes the photos from my camera rather than the professional photographers. Tried printing a shirt print-on. Printed my face and Clei's "kagat labi" pose. Now will look for a shirt that I can iron it.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Clei - is getting heavier

Tita Lesty said she's getting heavier while carrying her. She might not grow up anymore when carrying her. Seen her latest picture's from Honey's birthday last Fri. She looks like a girl now.

This is the second day I've been sleeping very late. Around 2 am, last Friday/Sat Edison and I slept around 2 am. Edwin came to the room and told us to sleep.

Today I woke up around 1 am because Weng called me. As always they are apologetic when they call because normally they will wake me up. But no big deal to me, always happy to receive their call. Weng just updated me about what's going on. Talk to Anne and Yen. I know how to strike up a good conversation about Anne, High School Musical. She loves to talk about it. Yen about HSM, so so. She told me, she will have a new glasses. I taught her eye sight improved, but sadly no. Also she said she failed her swimming lessons, but all of her classmates also. Weng talk about buying stuff from e-bay, wanting to have an ipod video, her school, work, the kids, teasing Joanne. Bing bought her mp3 player but gave it to Yen coz she wants an ipod. Bing wants to have psp. Also she talk about the home improvements. Carpet is gone, replaced by nice floor. They switch rooms with the kids. Anne and Yen is now occupying the masters bedroom. Anne said it's great while Yen thinks the other way, it's unfair to Weng and Bing. Yen is excited becoming a godmother to Clei. This is her first time.

Hope to see all of them next year in Toronto or Vancouver.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

It's Sept - Lolo Boy and Clei

Went to see Edison yesterday. Have not seen him for long time, he went to the US for about a month. I bring along my Wii console because he wants to play my games. He does not have much games. Only the sports, play, resident evil and nfl. I got lots.

We played bowling with Edwin, I lost, Edison is tied with his father. We played speed for carbon, car racing and i won the first game. Second game I lost during the drift race. Edwin taught me how to play the golf.

We also played resident evil. But we have to stop by 9 pm because her mother Cora will watch the TFC channel. We just viewed his pictures from his vacation, too much pictures.

Remembered Tatay, he finally touched the wii remote. He played racing cars, I mean the cars cartoon game.

Maybe the next time, we will be playing with Clei. I already bought another console for them.