Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Clei says - Ahh!

I like this picture, as if she's saying Ahh! And holding up a fist. Something like she scored in a tennis game.

Or maybe she said "Tito, I'm gonna box you for taking and taking so many pictures of me. Whether, I'm sleeping, pooing, bathing, or crying.

She will be baptized on Sept 16, according to Ten. Aida, my Spanish teacher and I find a bit odd for some Singaporeans who call themselves Catholic/Christians but never been baptized. It's not that we look down on them, it's just strange. Maybe where we came from you'll be certified a Catholic/Christian after your baptism.

I came across a TV program that showed a China man. Not sure where in China, I just seen the ending part. But for sure I was touched by the work of this man, every weekend he will patrol the bridge where most people jump to kill themselves. He will try to save or persuade them not to commit suicide. He's not priest, just an ordinary poor family man in his 30's. For me, truly a work of a true Christian.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Clei is a month old

Now Clei is a moth old. Ahora, Clei es un mes anos.

I still miss her, though i'm settled after a week on vacation. Went back to my daily routine here, such as work and work. Trabajo, trabajo. During my off days back to my favorite activities, playing tennis and spanish lessons.

This is one of my favorite picture of her.

US open is just started yesterday. My favorite players Sharapova and Federer will be defending their titles. Roger is on to 2nd round. Maria will be playing later. Guess I'll be occupied watching tennis.

I paid about 200 SGD for tickets to see Federer in action in Kuala Lumpur on Novemeber 22. That's the closest I can get to see him play, thought I can go to Bangkok for Thailand Open in September, but he's not playing there. Or I can go to Melbourne to see him play and Sharapova in January 2008.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Bath Time for Bebe Kong

One thing Clei likes is having a bath. It's fun seeing her taking her bath, she loves it specially when she's on the water.

See Lola Levs is giving her a bath. She also have a number of audience seeing her enjoying her bath.
I remember when I was a kid, we used to go my lola's place in the province during summer. Normally when we took a bath in the open, mostly people from the rural folks were watching us taking our bath. Really, the banyo is open.

Clie will take her bath on the dining table.

Clei pot - raising her hands

It's been about 5 days when I left home. I miss Clei a lot.
I used to see her when I wake every morning. Some early mornings I will talk to her. Around 4 am, she's awake and I can her sound, baby talk. I will talk to her for awhile and after she's bored or hungry she's gonna cry. Then Ten will feed her.

When Ten is talking to her, she will ask, "Who's the one who wants milk? Raise your hands." Clei will raise her hands just like what you see in this picture.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Clei - goes ngek!

I like this photo, Clei looks like Jhay. Quiero esta ritrato, Clei como es Jhay.

Tomorrow I'm going home. Singing "home" by Michael Buble.

"Let me go home" as Michael sings it.

I have cleared my memory stick, I'm going to see her tomorrow afternoon.

I wanna take her photo myself. Lots of lots of it.

I wanna publish her photo when she just got out of Ten's tummy hotel.

But the fefeysu is showing, so I have some reservations.

Seen her thru the webcam while sleeping on the stroller.

Ten told me she will show me when Clei is checking out of her fefeysu. Taken by cellphone.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Cassey Lei es dormir / Cassey Lei is sleeping

I took this picture from Ten's yahoo messenger. She no longer paste her picture there, it's her babys picture instead.

Ella es en linea pero no respuesta. She's on line but no answer.

I changed my picture from my messenger when I was in Canada. It was Yen and Anne who advised to change it. Now it's an avatar in Mexican Mariachi costume.

Good thing Lesty is on-line. Her classes was cancelled because of storm.

Quiero dormio, siesta, pero no puedo por que trabajando hoy.

I want to sleep, afternoon nap, but not possible because I'm working now.

Sleeping beauty

It's nice to see her sleeping soundly. I was talking to Ten yesterday on-line. She said there's one thing in common between Tio and baby Cassey, we fart very loud. Sometimes she will get a shock when she farts.

She was being breast fed while talking to Ten. She's salvaje because sometimes she will bite.

My room is full of her stuff. Crib and so many toys from Rafa. I'm so excited to see her personally esta Domingo. !Tres dias mas!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Tennis game resumes

Finally played tennis yesterday, after 2 weeks during Sundays. Rain will disrupt our play, just like in Wimbledon.

Played singles with Alfredo for an hour. I won 6-4. Al won the first game, but I came back strongly with 4 games. It was 4-1. I was distracted by the tennis instructions on the other court by the kids. Al came back strongly winning 3 games. It was 4-4. But I retain my grove winning the 2 more games, not letting Al anymore to win. Won the set by 6-4.

Then Philip and forgot his name came. Good now we can play doubles. Philip and I lost the first set, did not track the scores.

Still have some time, changed partner. Score was 2-2, then it was 22:00, tennis court closing time.

I'll be missing two Sundays game because I'm going home.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Is Cassey smiling or what?

Lesty thinks she's smiling.

Nice black hair, nice eyes, red lips, rounded face, thin eyebrows, double chin and fair skin on Ten's lap.

I don't think so. It looks like she's making "ire".

Oying said she looks like Ten.

Anyways, she's very cute.
This picture was taken after they came home from the hospital.

Happy Birthday Tutoy!

Today, Aug 4, 2007 is Tutoy's B-day.

!Feliz Cumpleanos Tutoy! I called home and talk to him, he said he's seven years old.

Wala siyang handa. Que pobre nino.

Nanay said she will cook kare-kare for him.

Or maybe give him 100 pesos and Nelson will take him to Jollibee.

Cassey and Ten

This is their picture after getting out of the hospital on Sunday July 29. This is her second day. She's so cute and looking at her mom. I guess Lesty took this photo because I requested her, I only have her photo from the cellphone.

I don't know what to say now. I'm hungry, I only ate ubas for breakfast. Got to go and have my lunch, maybe japanese. Thinking grilled salmon.

Meanwhile Cassey maybe thinking milk.