Monday, July 30, 2007

Cassey Lei Reyes Quiazon

I was @ my Spanish class when i received sms from Ten that she delivered their baby it was around 10:46 in the morning. Julio 28, 2007, Sabado.

I called home after the class and talk to my father. He said the baby checked out from Ten's tummy around 8 in the morning. Tatay said the baby has lots of hair, fair and long.

Next day, around before noonI called home. Lesty answered the phone and said Ten and the baby will check out in the hospital in the afternoon. They will temporary stay @ home. They are cleaning my parents room, they are gonna occupy it.

I called again around 13:00 but they are still not at home. I went out and exercise.

Around 17:00 when I open my locker at the gym after exercise, check my cellphone for any messages or missed calls. Entonces, I saw the message from Ten, it was mms. I saw Cassey Lei picture. She's so cute with big eyes, thick hair and thin eyebrows.

At night I called home again. This time I was able to talk to Ten. She told me funny things on how she delivered Cassey Lei. Her doctor was explaining every step she's doing to the students while operating her. She said, she felt like a frog being dissected in a biology class. There are also some medical students recording the process on their respective cellphones. It was a comedy, I guess. When Weng delivered Anne, it was an action movie, she kicked the nurses.

And finally I heard her cry from the background. Ten said she likes someone will carry her, once you put her down, she will cry. Another reason she cried because there's a shit in her diapers.

I'm sure everyone in the family is excited and happy to see her. I'm excited to see her personally on August 12.

!Bienvenido Cassey Lei!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Is the baby ready to check out from Ten's Tummy Hotel?

For the past two days I don't see my sister on line.

Pasado dos dias, no visto mi hermana en linea.

About 6 pm I called home to check if she delivered the baby? She's due this week, accordingto her doctor. My mother and father answered the phone, they said she went for the check-up @ 15:00, then the hospital advised her to stay.

I guess the baby is ready to check out. Is it a boy or a girl? From the scan, it's a girl. But Ten said some peolple said it's a boy.

Anyways, our families is ready to welcome him or her.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm special.

Today is pay day. Normally i'm always happy when it's payday. But not today, the new HR Manager of my company cuts my housing allowance of 500 SGD.

My supervisor told me the reason, HR questioned why I'm being paid for that, Why am I special by receiving that amount.

If HR manager thinks "I'm not special", be it. I don't care.

I miss the old HR Manager, she really took care of me. She thinks I'm special that's why I got it.

The new one, ahh forget about it.

For me and my family, I'm always special.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tennis Tonight

Jugamos al tenis por la noche, las ocho en punto pero el tiempo no es bueno.

We will be playing tennis later @ 20:00 but it looks like it will rain.

Time to do my rain dance - instead of having rain it will stop it.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Hoy es 20-07-2007. Today is 20-07-2007.

I have to do my homework for my spanish class tomorrow. Deberes.

Last saturdays class we were asked two questions.

1. What's your favorite country and why?

2. Have you lost something precious?

Of course that would be in Spanish. Some students answered were quite the usual stuff.

Aida, my teacher was impressed with my answer.

1. Spain -por que, it's considered as our mother country and they gave us our religion.

2. Mi abuelo (my grandfather).

my first blog / mi primero blog

i really dunno what to say. No se. My sister is on-line making comments on the pictures i posted in flickr. Supposedly it's her last day at work because she's due to give a baby. But she's still in the office. She said my pictures are funny especially when Polo(our dog is feeding the little baby cats). Not sure how to say it in English. Also the one when i'm at the bathroom. I don't wanna say what I'm doing in there. But i will post the picture here.

it's raining heavily in manila. her connections have been disrupted twice because of power failure.

i got excited when i see the new game for wii called wii fit.

i'm excited also to see her baby.

i'm listening to maroon 5 new cd. i love it. play it over and over.