I like this picture, as if she's saying Ahh! And holding up a fist. Something like she scored in a tennis game.
Or maybe she said "Tito, I'm gonna box you for taking and taking so many pictures of me. Whether, I'm sleeping, pooing, bathing, or crying.
She will be baptized on Sept 16, according to Ten. Aida, my Spanish teacher and I find a bit odd for some Singaporeans who call themselves Catholic/Christians but never been baptized. It's not that we look down on them, it's just strange. Maybe where we came from you'll be certified a Catholic/Christian after your baptism.
I came across a TV program that showed a China man. Not sure where in China, I just seen the ending part. But for sure I was touched by the work of this man, every weekend he will patrol the bridge where most people jump to kill themselves. He will try to save or persuade them not to commit suicide. He's not priest, just an ordinary poor family man in his 30's. For me, truly a work of a true Christian.